Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gardening Workshop

Once again this year, Dave and Carol will be hosting two veggie gardening workshops. Whether you're a beginner or have already been gardening for awhile, there's always more to learn. Grow your own food and know where it came from! Fresh tomatoes picked from your garden for lunch and new potatoes dug for supper can't be beat!
The dates are May 10th and 12th from 7 pm -9ish. Both nights will contain the same content so pick whichever one works for you. If you have questions during or after, Carol and Dave would be glad to answer them. There's no charge, we just ask that you have bring a donation for Blessing Food Bank in Zurich. Call us at 519-565-2122 or email


  1. Just wondering if you are growing any of the little orange tomatoes?? I am sorry I am not sure of the name of them.
    Please let me know.
    Kind regards,
    Tammy Sparling

  2. My list says yes. They are called yellow pear by the Burpee company.
    Hope this helps. Ready in a couple of weeks.
