Thursday, April 24, 2008


We are trying our hardest to get ready for the weekend and our annual Spring Openhouse. We are actually open all year round which most people don't realize but this is our weekend where we invite everyone to come see what's new and start thinking about what they might want to plant when it's finally safe to plant. This early warm weather has got us all charged up but I would advise some caution as it is really still to early to plant tender plants. Some seeds are ok but check on the back of the package before planting. Perennials are fine to be planted now as they come back year after year anyway. You can also clean up and prepare your gardens with new soil and/or compost. We do custom planting which is planting your containers with what you'd like in them. They stay here to grow until mid to late May but we don't hold individual plants, flats or hanging baskets. We grow so many plants and ship to so many stores that it would be too difficult to keep track of a pot of this or that and they are too hard to look after when placed apart from others they are like. These are just some assorted pictures that I took last week. The purple flowers are osteospermum, a daisy that likes cool weather and could actually go outside now. Red Star Spikes. If you're bored of the same old green spike, here is an option for you. We also have purple fountain grass and some other interesting tall flowering plants for centres of pots. Dahlias are a beautiful flower that come in lots of colours. They usually form a tuber that you can dig up in the fall, place in sawdust for the winter and replant in the spring. Mine has overwintered but we are surrounded by bush on the north side and I had them planted up against the house so it get lots of snow. Well, hope to see you this weekend and I hope you enjoy seeing everying. It always seems that no matter how long I have to prepare our retail area for this special weekend, I'm never ready. You just can't hurry plants. We do have lots and rarely run short of anything until at least long weekend in May. Then there might be a few specialty plants that are popular and gone but we try our best to anticipate this and grow enough. The Bayfield Garden Show is on in Bayfield this weekend if you're looking for something to do. We have a display there but couldn't spare a body to be there. So that's all until next week! Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Patio Pots

These are our patio pots that we plant mainly for fundraising but also to sell here. The ladies and gents have been busy planting them along with many other plants.
See our website for more info on fundraising
This is a sample of what these pots will look like. This one was planted as a sample one when Carol was at Dining for Seniors in Zurich, demonstrating how our mixed planters are done. Now it's looking gorgeous!

Gardening Product

I'm working at stocking our shelves with items you might
need this up and coming spring and summer. We try to have a variety of items to suit everyone. Two whole sides of
shelves are devoted to environmentally friendly items.
We carry Miracle Grow as well as some other fertilizers.
One of our new items this spring is a variety of hen manure based granular fertilizer. This product contains calcium that helps plants grow. Simply sprinkle on top of the soil and nutrients are released with every rainfall and watering. After 6 weeks, it should be reapplied. It has no odor and is entirely natural! I'm excited about this product! I love the fact that it's easy to use, is non toxic to my kids and can be used for any type of plant life. Check out their website

Friday, April 11, 2008

Rural Landowner Stewardship Workshop

A Free workshop called Rural Landowner Stewardship Guide for the Lake Huron Watershed is being held on April 19, here at Huron Ridge. We are hosting and it's being sponsored by Huron Stewardship Council. It starts at 9:30 AM, going until approximately noon. Those who sign up receive a guide book and lots of info and great ideas. You must sign up by April 16.
The purpose of this guide is "to protect and enhance the quality of our natural environment- both groundwater and surface water such as streams, rivers, ravines, creeks, wetlands and lakes, and the natural landscape features that support these ecosystems." Plus much more!
If you are interested in attending you can contact Hope Brock at 1-888-286-2610 or check out the website

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thanks for voting!

Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote in our poll. We appreciate your comments and thanks to Joyce and Tanya who commented that they like to save and reuse the plastic pots when starting their own seeds or cuttings. It will probably be a while, if ever, that plastic pots will disappear. No one knows for sure where this green movement will go, but I'm glad changes are being made. We only have one earth. Let's work together to keep it healthy. Thanks again! (to see the results, scroll down to the bottom of this blog. I will leave it on for awhile)


This is our new seed rack. It has a great variety of vegetables, flowers, herbs, vines and gourds. We also have bulk packages of beans, corn and peas. We have glad bulbs, grass seed, gloves, hand tools, etc. Seed potatoes and onions should be arriving later this week or beginning of next. I know everyone is getting anxious to plant some seeds and if your ground is ready, I wouldn't hestitate to plant peas or any other seed that is safe to be planted out in April. There's a section of organic seeds for those who prefer to grow without chemicals.
These are some of the organic seeds as well as see-through packages which are cool because you can see what the seeds look like.

Begonias x 2

Tuberous Begonias before and after!
Isn't it amazing how plants grow? It's not something you notice from day to day but one day you look at them and they are huge!
It's a little like day they are babes in arm and it seems we blink and they are all grown up. If you have kids, enjoy each day with them. They are so special. Can you tell that I have kids and they are growing up? :\
These are Panorama begonias which tend to grow out and trailing as opposed to upright. As you can see, the flowers are hanging, huge and gorgeous.


These are just a few of the pots we carry...some are metal, some are plastic, fibreglass and clay. We also do custom planting... you bring your pots in anytime and we'll plant them with whatever you desire. Our staff will quiz you on where the pots will be placed with consideration to sun or shade. Your containers stay here to grow until later in May when you can pick them up. We do have a cut off date when we'd like them picked up because they do need to get outside once the greenhouses begin to get hotter. There is a charge for soil and labour, and of course, whatever plants you purchase. It's a great way to have patio ready containers in June. You don't have to wait until the middle of summer for full pots. If you enjoy planting and watching them grow, then you can purchase lots of individual plants right here! :) This is a brand new pot made of....plastic! Very light and declared unbreakable by the company that makes them! Don't forget to drill holes in the bottom of your container. This provides drainage which is essential to the plants well- being. They don't like to be soggy, this can cause root rot and the plants eventually die. Set of 3 clay pots. $19.99 for the set or they can be purchased separately.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Remeber these onions? This picture was taken
March 12. In the next picture are the same onions just 2 weeks later. They'll soon be ready to plant! They will most likely get a haircut first.
Our seed potatoes and onions should be arriving next week. Our seed racks are full with a variety of vegetables including bulk packs of beans, peas and seeds. We even have a small variety of organic seed for those who prefer to grow without the use of chemicals.
Here we have what seems like miles of pansy and petunia plants. They are waiting here until they are big enough to be planted outside into your garden or pots.
Just a close up of the petunia plants.
These are Osteospermum flowers. I know, it sounds like a disease but nope, just gorgeous, brilliant flowers. They prefer cool weather and will sometimes quit blooming during hot summers. In the fall when it cools down, they usually bloom again. They come in various colours.