Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Easter is just around the corner!

Next Sunday is Easter already! Actually, it's about as late as it can get in the year. Our first Easter Lilies arrived this morning. We don't grow them here, but always make sure we have some to be purchased and enjoyed at home. We're all hoping for a beautiful Easter weekend to enjoy family and the outdoors.
Yesterday I took a walk in a friend's subdivision along the lake and enjoyed observing how everyone is cleaning up their yard and beginning to decorate. I saw some pots of pansies, patio furniture with bright coloured cushions and flower beds with perennials beginning to pop up out of the ground. Lawns had been raked, branches in piles and a gentleman was rolling his lawn. Now's the time to do that early spring clean up if you haven't already. Flower beds can be cleaned up and dead branches trimmed. Some shrubs can be pruned now as well. Lawns can be raked, overseeded and rolled. If your garden is dry enough to work, it can be enriched with compost and manure, then planted with lettuce, spinach, peas, onions and maybe even potatoes. Most other seeds and plants should wait.
April....hath put a spirit of youth in everything.
-William Shakespeare


  1. I was just thinking about what I could plant early - how I miss growing food! -- so thank you for this little list. Lettuce, spinach, peas and onions, here I come. (PS. Love the new background on your site!)

  2. Thanks Monica and have fun planting! We started some pots of lettuce in the greenhouse and have been enjoying for several weeks...what a treat! Fresh food is definitely the best!

  3. Lawn was raked and rolled beginning of the week. Oops.......... The wind decided to mess with that! Mulch and branches on the lawn again!!
