Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A wonderful gift!

We're clearing out the last of the poinsettias! Buy 1 get 1 Free! Priced from $3.49-23.99
We're open until Dec.24 at 3 pm.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Springtime already?

Yes, this our first crop of pansies growing, waiting to be potted into our special soil mix. In the next two weeks, we'll be working to pop these tiny little plants into pots allowing their roots to spread and grow. By middle of March, they'll be blooming just when all of us are sick of grey and brown!

Friday, December 17, 2010

We still have a few lovely poinsettias to choose from for that perfect gift. We can also customize any poinsettia of your choice.

This is our angel keeping watch over the poinsettias. :)

Snow, snow and more snow!

Here's our entrance with just a pathway to the doors which are normally our exit doors. On the right side you can see the entrance doors snowed in.

Here's our faithful snow removal guy, Kevin. He was out every morning making pathways and clearing the laneway and parking lot for customers and staff. In this picture I caught him changing a bolt that had broken.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

and they're gone!

Today our last delivery of fundraiser poinsettias, outdoor planters and wreaths were loaded on the truck to be delivered to Wingham. It has been a challenging 2 weeks for us with the storms and snow accumulation! Some of our staff couldn't make it in due to visibility and closed roads and some deliveries had to be put off a day but all in all, it went amazingly well. From Whitby to Windsor, our wonderful driver Clayton, braved the snowy roads. (he's in the second picture smiling at us...I guess he's happy today is a nicer day for a drive!) Since the beginning of December, we've shipped out....are you ready for this?....   3200- poinsettias in various colours 700 - large poinsettias 671 -centrepieces (poinsettia in decorative pot with greenery) 257 - tropical planters with poinsettia in the mix 111- fresh wreaths 642- outdoor winter planters Phew! No wonder we feel ready for the holidays! :)

Poinsettias loaded on the carts.

A few of the hundreds of Outdoor Winter planters we made.

Dave and Clayton loading the carts on the truck