Saturday, May 22, 2010

This past week has been amazing! The weather has been just about perfect for planting or doing any kind of outdoor work. If you were lucky enough to get your garden planted before last night, this rain is in your favour. If not, you might just have to wait a day or two until the ground dries up a bit. There's lots you can do in the meantime though! Pots can be planted, weeding can be done, and fertilizing your perennials should be done now. Dead- heading of tulips and spring bulbs. Tender bulbs such as Dahlias and Calla Lillies can be planted. Our benches are full of colourful annuals waiting to stretch their roots! Alot of them grow wonderfully in containers and window boxes while others are perfect for flowerbeds. Tidal Wave petunias are great for a larger bed where you need a mass of colour and the portulaca grows the best in a hot corner. Impatiens or begonias prefer shade while verbena and vinca like full sun. Marigolds and geraniums are the old favourites that have stood the test of time but if you'd like to try something new, bacopa and Million Bells are a newer variety of trailing flowers. Hanging baskets and planters can be popped into an urn for instant wow. Don't forget fertilizer! A starter fertilizer is a good idea when planting new transplants. It's a plant food to promote root growth. Later on a 15-30-15 fertilizer is good to promote blooming. It's important to get the plant growing roots and foliage before it pushes out too many blooms because it will exert all it's strength into the flower. Have a great weekend everyone! We appreciate your business! Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have about plants.

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