Monday, January 18, 2010

Planting time!

It's been awhile since I blogged last but there hasn't been a whole lot going on until last week when we planted pansies! We planted small and large round containers as well as ovals. By middle of March, they should be starting to bloom. Did you know that the word pansy comes from the French word "pens�e" (meaning thought) because it has a face? Anyway,the first picture shows all the trays of little pansy plants ready to be planted. But before we begin to plant, we "pop" them. This is shown in the second picture. If you look carefully, you'll see the plants rising up out of the flat. This makes it easier to pluck them out of the tray. The third picture shows the ovals being planted, ten plants per pot. After the pansies are in the container, it cruises down the conveyer belt where it's taken off and watered.

Now they can spread their roots and grow!


  1. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Neat to see "behind the scenes". You're doing a great job.

  2. Thanks! Do you recognize the guy that's watering?☺
