Monday, January 18, 2010

Let them grow, let them grow, let them grow!

On Thursday, January 14th our first shipment of unrooted cuttings arrived. An assortment of spring plants that needed to be placed in soil and watered well. They arrive in plastic bags, usually 100 per bag. Most of the cuttings are placed one at a time into the squares of soil but some have two. First they get "dipped" into rooting hormone which helps the roots to begin growing a little quicker, then stuck in the soil. When the tray is full, it gets run through a watering tunnel with just a light mist of water to get the soil moist. After that, the trays are placed in our warm propagating greenhouse where they are misted regularly until roots begin to form and grow. Between Thursday and Friday, we stuck approximately 16,000 little cuttings including Osteospermum Daisy, Calitunias, New Guinea Impatiens, Bacopa, Million Bells, and a variety of others.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see how things are progressing while we are away.
    Carol & Dave
