Saturday, July 4, 2009

Belated Birthday wishes

Happy Belated Birthday Canada! Since the weather wasn't great for outdoor activities, I spent some of my day painting my daughter's room. (Today she's moving back in and it looks great!) We spent the evening down at the beach in Grand Bend, enjoying the bands and then the fireworks! The weather cooperated with the rain holding off and it was very still. The display of lights was fantastic as usual. Like myself and many others, you are most likely very happy to see the sun today! The past week has been a little depressing. Your petunias are flat, geraniums and other pots are wet and the foliage might be turning yellowish. During a rainy year like this, I recommend using slow release granular fertilizer. It looks like little grey pellets and they dissolve when wet. (We carry it here of course :) ) The fertilizer helps keep the plants foliage green and the flowers to keep on blooming. If you can move your pots into a little more sun this weekend to help dry out the soil, that would help. If you have a saucer underneath the pot, make sure it's dumped because the roots of a plant don't like to be saturated. The forecast for next week sounds wet again so if we can get some sun and fertilizer to our pots, they should improve. The cool weather is great for plants that like that such as pansies and osteospermum daisies, but not geraniums and other heat/sun loving plants. My garden is doing ok but could really use some warmth to bring on the peppers and tomatoes a little faster. So enjoy the sun this weekend and share some with your planters! Plants cry their gratitude for the sun in green joy. ~Astrid Alauda

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