Wednesday, May 6, 2009


This is my mom. Now that I'm a mom, I appreciate her so much more. I think this is true with a lot of women.Being a mom is a hard job. Sometimes you have to be the tough, mean mom when you really just want to be the cool, hip friend. I can think of many times growing up when I promised myself that I'd be the coolest mom ever but now I know that's just not possible if you want to be a good mom. Don't get me wrong...we can be cool and fun too but there are times we will have to be "mean" and our kids will not like us but that's ok because they will come around.
Anyway, enough about that, I was going to extol the virtues of my mom! She has been married to one man, my dad for almost 54 years and has been his helpmate all along. They were dairy farmers for many years and still grow crops and live on the farm. Mom loves to garden and has many pots of flowers, a small vegetable garden and lots of grass to mow. She enjoys having the grandkids come and stay from a few hours to a few days and is always willing to babysit. Once in a while, for fun, she will come to the greenhouse and help us on a busy day. I am amazed at the energy she still has!
She lives, loves and laughs, content to be near and around family and has kept us surrounded by her prayers.
As Mother's Day approaches, remember your mom. Some of you can only do that in your still counts. Perhaps you have a mother-figure in your life. Whoever your mom is, take time to tell her how much she means to you.
To all you "Moms" out there, have a great Mother's Day!

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