Saturday, May 17, 2014

Companion Gardening

Companion planting is nothing new. It has been around for ages. The theory behind companion planting is that some vegetables ward off nasty bugs and pests while others attract the beneficial ones. When strategically placed in the garden, a little eco-system is born. For example, oregano and sage discourage cabbage moths so plant these herbs amongst cabbage.  Dill attracts predatory wasps that eat caterpillars while warding off aphids and spider mites. Marigolds can be for looks or to repel white flies and sometimes rabbits. The possibilities are endless and there is so much info out there!! As with anything, companion gardening tends to be trial and error depending on the garden's location, weather and many other factors. 
Here's a great article by the well-known Burpee company with an abundance of advice and ideas for your garden. A great way to go natural and have fun trying new things at the same time!  
Companion planting guide by Burpee

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