Thursday, April 24, 2008


We are trying our hardest to get ready for the weekend and our annual Spring Openhouse. We are actually open all year round which most people don't realize but this is our weekend where we invite everyone to come see what's new and start thinking about what they might want to plant when it's finally safe to plant. This early warm weather has got us all charged up but I would advise some caution as it is really still to early to plant tender plants. Some seeds are ok but check on the back of the package before planting. Perennials are fine to be planted now as they come back year after year anyway. You can also clean up and prepare your gardens with new soil and/or compost. We do custom planting which is planting your containers with what you'd like in them. They stay here to grow until mid to late May but we don't hold individual plants, flats or hanging baskets. We grow so many plants and ship to so many stores that it would be too difficult to keep track of a pot of this or that and they are too hard to look after when placed apart from others they are like. These are just some assorted pictures that I took last week. The purple flowers are osteospermum, a daisy that likes cool weather and could actually go outside now. Red Star Spikes. If you're bored of the same old green spike, here is an option for you. We also have purple fountain grass and some other interesting tall flowering plants for centres of pots. Dahlias are a beautiful flower that come in lots of colours. They usually form a tuber that you can dig up in the fall, place in sawdust for the winter and replant in the spring. Mine has overwintered but we are surrounded by bush on the north side and I had them planted up against the house so it get lots of snow. Well, hope to see you this weekend and I hope you enjoy seeing everying. It always seems that no matter how long I have to prepare our retail area for this special weekend, I'm never ready. You just can't hurry plants. We do have lots and rarely run short of anything until at least long weekend in May. Then there might be a few specialty plants that are popular and gone but we try our best to anticipate this and grow enough. The Bayfield Garden Show is on in Bayfield this weekend if you're looking for something to do. We have a display there but couldn't spare a body to be there. So that's all until next week! Enjoy your weekend!

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