Saturday, November 28, 2009

Poinsettia Festival

Don't forget that this weekend is our Christmas Openhouse! Saturday 10-8 and Sunday we're open from 1-5. Come see the array of colourful poinsettias as well as greenery, bows, decorative pots and containers, and more. Our Poinsettia Festival continues until Saturday Dec. 5th. We're open until Christmas Monday to Saturday 9-5.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Colours of the Rainbow (not quite, but close!)

It is a well known fact that poinsettias are red.
But...did you know they come in many shades of red?
shades of pink? white, burgandy, and speckled?
Here are a few of the different varieties we grow.
"New" Ice Punch
Silver star pink
SilverStar Red
Cinnamon Star

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Christmas Greens

If you are thinking about decorating outside during this "warmer" weather, (by that I mean no snow☺) Huron Ridge is the place to go! We have cedar roping, bunches of various greens grown right here in northern Ontario, Cranberry Dogwood, winter planters, ribbon and soon we'll have wreaths in 3 different sizes. The greens were picked up on Friday so we've been sorting and bunching getting them ready for you!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The beginnings of spring!
These are the pansy seedlings now and what they will look like come March. The coloured picture is from last March, just so you don't think we have those already! There are
thousands seeded now and we will be potting them and growing them
all winter. Having a greenhouse is like farming, we're always planning
and planting ahead so the crops are ready at the right time. :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mark your calenders!

We'd like to invite you to our
Christmas Poinsettia Candlelight Festival
held Nov. 27, 28 and 29.
Come and see the colourful poinsettias by day or or at night by candlelight. On Friday and Saturday, we are open 9am-9 pm and Sunday afternoon from 1-5pm. Hope you can join us for treats and breathtaking scenery.
I'll post more details at a later date.
Hope you have a great weekend coming up...the weather sounds fabulous for November. Go for a hike, plant some tulip bulbs and jump in some leaves! :)